Monday, November 20, 2006

Zhang Fei beef jerky

I love beef jerky, especially Oberto beef jerky. I used to eat a lot of those while in university. Oberto jerky comes in different flavors, from original to teriyaki. Its hard and chewy.

While visiting China, I found the Chinese version of beef jerky, Zhang Fei beef. Zhang Fei was a general from the three kingdoms period. So what does a historical general got to do with beef jerky? I have no idea, let me know if you do.

The big pack.

The individual pack.

The beef meat itself.

Actually, it doesn't really qualify as a jerky because its not really dried. The meat is still moist and tender. Zhang Fei beef also comes in a variety of flavors and they even have beef tendon. It taste really good! However, both Oberto and Zhang Fei are not cheap. Good stuff don't come cheap.

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