Monday, May 22, 2006

Statistics and Pop-up ads

Recently eatinout was complaining that my blog has pop-up ad. I was dumbfounded as I am very sure I didn't place any sort of pop-up ads on my blog. So I try loading the page to see the pop-up for myself but there was no pop-up of anysort. It seems that the pop-up will only show once a day. Since I already loaded my blog page a few times, it will not appear again. So tried using another browser and there it was. A yellow bar showing the pop-up ad being block by the browser. After some investigation, the culprit for the pop-up ad is actually from a free site counter that I've been using since the beginning when I created this blog. I believe they only started serving pop-up ad recently as I am sure there wasn't any last time. Business must be really bad for them until they have to resort to this kind of tactics. Since I had two site counters tracking the traffics to my blog, the bad counter serving annoying pop-up will have to go.


KY said...

They started having pop ups sometimes last year when the original company was bought over.

I have stopped using them since. :D

Water Blower said...

That long already huh? I didn't realize it.